How to use this manualΒΆ

This manual 1 aims to help you explore and/or use the CLARIN:EL infrastructure to make your resources available to the Humanities and Social Sciences community (and beyond). It is not meant to be read in sequence (although it can be) but to help you find specific information depending on your needs. There are chapters with general information on basic concepts; others describing the process 2 through which a resource comes to life and chapters which will specifically help you:

If you are looking for something specific, please, use the search box on the top left side of the navigation bar, below the CLARIN:EL logo.


The current version documents the third official release of the CLARIN:EL infrastructure, launched on May 31st, 2021. More functionalities are continuously added, and this manual keeps on being updated following the evolution of the CLARIN:EL platform.


Before you start, please see the lifecycle of a resource to find out what each type of user needs to do throughout the procedure. To assume a role you must have registered first.


The terms metadata editor and editor are used interchangeably throughout the documentation.